Tuesday, July 16, 2013


   For my 3D photography, I have been using a 2 camera rig with a Canon G12 and a G11 mounted on a rack I made:

 It works very well for photography. The problem now is that the the G11 only shoots video in 640x480, and even on the G12 that shoots HD 720p, there are no manual adjustments. Plus I want HD1080p.
  The cheapest solution would be to rig up two Canon Rebel T3i with the 18-55mm Zoom, which have basically the same manual video capabilities as the T4i, T5i or EOS60D, at a much lower price:

   I have never used a T3i before, so I borrowed my friend Michael's T4i to run some tests both at the Botanical Gardens and close up in the studio.
   It was quickly obvious that the T4i had a much shallower depth of field than the G12 or the Z100 because of the larger sensor, and that such a rig would not work for close up work in the studio.
     Tests at the Botanical Gardens lily pond showed very good image quality, but big problems with the autofocus.  The camera would have to be used with manual focus.
    In conclusion, the idea will not fly for my purposes.
    I also considered a rig of two camcorders, but the tests of my old JVC-GZ-HD7 showed too much pixilation and muddy colors compared to the newer cameras. 
   Looks like I am stuck with the Camileo Z100 for the moment as my best choice.

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