Friday, July 19, 2013


    A little digression here because I just ran into that stuff I didn't know anything about yet, and it sounds like something I could use. The key word is BINAURAL, as explained in WILKEPEDIA. 
    The effect is actually pretty fabulous, you can hear sounds in front, behind, left, right or above you. It's like being in the room, it's basically 3D SOUND. There are numerous examples of this 3D sound on YouTube, or on the VIRTUAL AND REALITY web site.
     It's also called "Dummy Head Recording", but Dummy Head microphone setups are very expensive, so one can actually use one's own head as a "dummy head"(I like that), and place special microphones placed in one's ears to record instead. One's need a pair of BINAURAL MICROPHONES ,and probably a  POWER SUPPLY if the recorder used doesn't have enough power.   
    I assume I could record directly in the computer with my M-Audio Interface.
    The downside is that you have to wear earphones to really get the effect, which would be a little difficult for a large crowd, as you would need a radio, WIFI, or Bluetooth transmitter, like we used for the SILENT DISCO dancing in the dome at PTTR. 
    Now, what I am wondering is: can I fake it without the microphones, just using Audio software like Adobe Audition and sound effects? 
    After some research, I found 3D surround sound software called VIBESTATION LE, which is actually available free on the Apple Store. I have been testing it, and found it fairly intuitive after a few pointers from the manual. And it works! I am far from having figured it all out, but I have already put together a simple 3D soundtrack test that HAS to listened on headphones if you want to get he 3D effect.

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