Tuesday, July 23, 2013


    In order to work on 3D projects, I needed a 3D Monitor, so after a good bit of research, I settled on the LG Electronics D2343P-BN 23-Inch LED Monitor 
    It came in today, and it is amazingly thin, light, bright, with great contrast and color(the glossy screen may have something to do with it), straight out of the box. Setting it up for 3D was easy, and the short test I did last week looks great on it with the supplied passive glasses.
  If you look at the image up close, there are visible black horizontal lines every second pixel, but when the 3D video plays, it isn't really that noticeable, and the 3D image is very bright and sharp. With active glasses, there are no lines, but the image is a little dimmer. That's the trade off between the two techniques. However, I have to say the playback on the big 80" Sharp Aquos TV is really impressive.
  The trade off between 2D and 3d is that the full 1920 x 1080 2D image becomes 960 x 540 in passive 3D. Still looks good though. 
  The big question now is: CAN WE PROJECT IN 3D ON THE BUILDING? I have e mailed Mike Cruce at Media Visions(that supplied the two 10K projectors we used for the last show) to find out if these projectors are passive 3D capable. It would look so much better than any Anaglyph.
   There are paper polarized glasses for about $0.55 a piece for 1000, but I am not sure they would work.
   The plastic frame Circular polarized glasses are more expensive(about $2.25 a pair for 100+), but are much more comfortable to wear, and much sturdier, so they could be re used for other 3D shows. I have a pair I got at the movies, and it works fine with my monitor.

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